Current Temperature: 15.3ºC Daily rainfall: mm Barometer: 1007.1 mb Wind: 5.9 mph at 144° Humidity: 84% Sunrise: 05:18 Sunset: 20:44

Knightwood Weather

Welcome to This website contains details of current and past weather conditions captured via a weather station located in Knightwood, Chandler's Ford, Hampshire, United Kingdom.


Return to this page.


Summary of the current conditions with automatic updates.


In-depth graphs and details of climate data over the last month.


Weather data and graphs for each month.


Weather data covering the year so far. Under construction but progressing...


Weather data since the beginning of the website. Under construction but progressing...


Technical and background information about this website.


Knightwood Weather can also be viewed at the Met Office's Weather Observations Website [WOW], Weather Underground and Weather Underground Full Screen.

This website has been designed for use with Mozilla Firefox 3.6 and later, or Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 and later, using a display with a horizontal resolution of 1024 pixels or greater.